The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Monster hunters descend on Scotland for biggest Loch Ness search in 50 years

A model is seen Friday near Loch Ness in Scotland ahead of what is being described as the biggest search for the mythical monster since the early 1970s this weekend. (Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
6 min

INVERNESS, SCOTLAND — Hundreds of monster hunters equipped with drones and infrared cameras have gathered in the Scottish Highlands with a singular goal: to be the ones to finally find the Loch Ness monster. But it won’t be easy.

On Saturday, the rain was lashing and the skies were gray, hampering visibility in the search for the folkloric creature, affectionately known as Nessie. The mythical monster, which legend says lives in a freshwater lake in Scotland, has eluded capture, or any definitive proof of existence, since its first recorded sighting in the 6th century.