
Frances Bean Cobain Gets a Jump on Fall With This Throwback Beauty Statement

Image may contain Frances Bean Cobain Clothing Apparel Human Person Coat and Jacket
Frances Bean CobainPhoto: Backgrid

Taking a cue from shelves freshly stocked with the first lightweight jackets and denim of the season, artist Frances Bean Cobain got a jump start on fall's earthier palette with a transitional beauty look that's perfect for cooler days and nights.

Lovely as it's been to leave makeup as a five-minute afterthought during the hot months, who isn't tempted to amp up their seasonal glow with a few pops of transformative pigment? For SPF fan Cobain, who touched down at LAX with lightly sun-kissed skin and ombré hair that bore all the signs of a summer spent outdoors, that meant a rich swipe of oxblood lipstick along with moody eye makeup to match: a haze of kohl-smudged liner and lashes treated to an extra coat of mascara.

It's a classic 90's combination that signaled the decade's revival with the help of one standout feature: sculpted, graphic, and, yes, slightly thinned out arches that just might spell the end of bushy power brows. Tweezers, anyone?