Why a Vibrator Was My Best Quarantine Purchase

Here's why.
first time vibrator for beginners
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Buying a vibrator was something that had been circling my mind since I was 20 years old. I don't remember exactly when my curiosity about buying one began, but what I do remember was being intimidated by them. My hesitancy is probably pretty relatable, given the stigma that can come with buying a vibrator. When you are a first-timer, the purchase can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

Looking back, it all started when I walked the aisles of Spencer’s and took notice of the funny and funky vibrators at the store. After that, I decided to go to a local Halloween costume store where they also sold vibrators, but when I asked the girl at the desk which one would be the best for me, I felt silly. My inexperience made me question whether I was ready for one, so once again I left empty-handed.

However, during quarantine, I decided to take the plunge and buy my first vibrator online. And now, it seems at 25 years old, I might have taken too long to buy one.

Staying home while single turned out to be the perfect scenario to buy a vibrator. I was finally living on my own and had the privacy I craved for my first experience. And so, I started my hunt.

Since most phallic-shaped ones intimidated me, the one that finally caught my eye was the Satisfyer Pro 2. Even though masturbation wasn’t something unknown to me, the thought of using a gadget was what kept me tiptoeing around the idea of buying one. Luckily, the rose gold exterior and the fact that the Satisfyer Pro 2 looks like a sleek exfoliator convinced me otherwise. Plus, it had great reviews, especially from a Facebook group I was in where girls shared their own experiences. I thought to myself, “Hey, other girls are giving this an A+, so it must be good then!”.

I added to my cart, hit that purchase button, and had it shipped to my work address since reviews assured it would come in a discrete package. After two business days, my new best friend arrived in a regular beige looking box.

That day, I went home, opened it, and instantly fell in love. Not only was it easy to turn on and had different levels to play, but overall it reminded me that one can take matters into their own hands, literally.

As a first-timer, of course, I had to share my experience with friends who I knew were on the same “never-used-a-vibrator-boat” as I was pre-quarantine. To my surprise, I learned that isolation has inspired others to have their first experience with vibrators as well.

20-year-old Diana had been wanting to buy one since one of her friends had recommended one from Urban Outfitters that was discreet and shaped like a lipstick. “It never crossed my mind I would buy one for myself or that I needed one but I had started reading empowering books, so I wanted to do it for myself and have pleasure in myself,” Diana said.

Now, buying your first vibrator does not have to be a solo experience. Sometimes, it can be a fun thing to scratch off a couple’s bucket list, too. Roberto, 24, decided to buy one for his girlfriend who is 23, as a way to surprise her and spice up their sex life.

“She had never used a vibrator and I had not used one either. I was just curious to try it and include one in our intimacy”, he said. The two had talked about it and Roberto decided to go ahead and buy two for her and surprise her. Roberto added he had never been in such a communicative and open relationship where he felt he could talk about such a topic or bring it up.

“Communication is important regarding any topic, but when it comes to sex it helps a lot in the sense that those involved can enjoy it more and slowly stay away from those ideas that keep us from living our sexuality in the best way,” Roberto said.

Sure, buying a vibrator can be scary but with the right environment and emotional support, it might just be the best thing to buy on a random night during the quarantine.

As for me, I haven’t decided whether I want to buy another one, but now I know what to expect. Plus, I am also open to trying sex toys in the future whether I am in a relationship or casually seeing someone. Overall, I am glad I finally decided to buy one. Female masturbation is not as normalized as it should be and buying a vibrator and owning one is more common than one would think. Hopefully, my experience will serve as an encouragement to whoever is wondering to click add to cart during their time at home.

Satisfyer Pro 2

Black Secret Lover bullet vibrator on white background

Secret Lover Bullet Vibrator

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