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  6. Joyce Steinfeld
  7. Ek Onkar with Bird - Sikh Symbol for One
Joyce Steinfeld: contemporary American Printmaker,Sculptor - SINGULART

Joyce Steinfeld

United States


  • Group shows participant
  • International Exposure
  • Experienced Artist
  • Solo shows participant
  • Works on commission
« My life and art is a continual journey of exploration and when I think I have arrived, I become aware that it is just the beginning of something new to learn. »

Joyce Steinfeld is an experienced printmaker and sculptor based in the United States whose works have been exhibited nationally and in Israel. Creating intuitively, she describes her shapes as being a language in their own right, as they communicate feelings, ideas, and sensations that are beyond words. Steinfeld's distinctive pieces are translated through fabricated steel, aluminum, bronze, and resin.

Ek Onkar with Bird - Sikh Symbol for One
Joyce Steinfeld
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