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The Meaning and Historical Value of Gorga in Batak Toba’s

Traditional House
Peninna Simanjuntak1, Martha Pardede2
University of Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstract Keywords
Gorga batak; historical value;
This study aims to understand the historical value, meaning and
meaning and function
function of the "Gorga" ornament in the Batak Toba traditional
house which was reviewed with a Semiotic Study. The method
used in this research is descriptive method. Descriptive method
can be interpreted as a problem-solving procedure that is
investigated by describing / describing the state of the object /
research subject (a person, institution, community, etc.) at the
present time based on the facts that appear as they are. The
results of field research show that ornaments have a very
influential relationship with the social life of the Batak Toba
people, where these ornaments are used as guidelines to assess
an action taken by one person against another or serve as
material for living a harmonious life. This can be seen from the
understanding that is revealed in the field where the meanings
that appear are closely related to the actions that are often
carried out by the community. The conclusion of this study is that
Gorga or traditional sculptures which are usually found on the
outer walls of houses and the front of traditional houses or also
called ornaments that contain mystical elements that repel
reinforcements and have philosophical values of Batak culture.
The output of this research will be published in an international
journal indexed by sinta.

I. Introduction

Ornaments or decorations are cultural heritages of our ancestors, which are still
commonly found in all corners of the country, usually in their manifestations associated with
religious matters. Ethnicity as one that sustains a sense of primordialism is often interpreted
as a social group in a social or cultural system that has a certain meaning or position because
of heredity, customs, religion, language, and so on (Angkat, 2018). This culture can be found
in various aspects and scope, such as economics, education, law, and politics (Wayan, 2020).
Toba Batak tribe from ancient times until today still retains the traditional values inherited
from their ancestors, although sometimes they are contrary to religious teachings but are still
maintained (Napitu, 2020). The general term for ornament in Indonesian is ornamental
variety and has the same meaning as Gorga . So according to Warneck (in Beheri Goltom,
2010: 8), in the 2001 Batak Toba Cultural Dictionary book Indonesia "Gorga is a variety of
carving, coloring the walls of the house with three basic colors, for example: red, black, and
white". Various writings that have been done, in general, Gorga Batak Toba can be
classified into six types, namely Gorga in the form of humans (Gorga Adop-adop), animals

DOI: 6619
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
Volume 4, No 3, August 2021, Page: 6619-6629
e-ISSN: 2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715(Print)

(Boraspati, Manuk), giants / fantasies (Jenggar, Gaja Dompak, Lions, Ulu Paung) , plants
(Sitompi, Dalihan Natolu, Simeol-eol, Simarogung-ogung, Sitagan), geometric (Ipon-ipon,
Iran- iran), and nature or the cosmos (Simataniari, Naualu Village).
Likewise, Ruma Bolon / Ruma Gorga "The art of carving the Batak Toba Traditional
House", has various types of ornaments. Each of these ornaments has a different form,
function, and meaning. Ruma Bolon Batak Toba is often found in the Balige area, Simanindo
Village, Samosir Regency, Tarutung City, and others.
The Batak Toba people also know the ornamental culture which has its own meaning
and function. These ornaments have various kinds of patterns including plant patterns,
equipment / tools / means of life, animal patterns, and others. One example of an ornament
found in Ruma Bolon is the Head of a Buffalo which is carved on the wall of a traditional
house, which means a symbol of glory. Buffalo is seen as a kind of mighty animal. Do not
carelessly disturb humans, only people who interfere will be in the horns.
Rumah Bolon (big house) in the ethnic Batak Toba is a traditional house of the Batak
tribe in North Sumatra which is a symbol of the existence of the Batak community, has a
characteristic in its shape, which is rectangular, like a house on stilts with pillars made of
wood as high as 1.75 meters and with a diameter of more than 40 centimeters. To unite the
parts of the building, a lock system is made between wood, and rattan and fibers are used as
binding materials for building materials.
The traditional house for the Batak Toba people is not just a place to shelter and shelter
from the rain and the hot sun, but is actually full of philosophical values that can be used as a
way of life. Various understandings and noble values are inherent and contained in traditional
traditional houses that should be interpreted and held as a view of life in the order of daily
life, in the context of inter-individual interaction. The traditional house for the Batak people
is a cultural product that has a very high value because for the Batak people the house is a
place or container where we will start behavior that we will later apply to the outside world or
the community environment, then in the case of the Batak people teach social values that
Both must start from the house, namely the family, and the social values taught by the Batak
community cannot be separated from the Batak Toba traditional house which is symbolically
depicted in the traditional house or called Ruma Bolon.
The construction of a house in various regions in Indonesia, especially in the Batak
Toba people, varies both in terms of materials and architecture, each of which has its own
style. However, in the times, the ornaments found on the walls of traditional houses are
considered as decorations that beautify the building. Therefore, this Gorga is a cultural asset
that needs to be preserved and preserved. This article is entitled "Historical Value, Meaning
and Function of Gorga in Ruma Gorga Batak Toba Society.".

II. Research Methods

Research is an activity to search, record, formulate and analyze, up to compiling

reports. So, the research method is the science of the path that is passed to reach an
understanding. According to Maryaeni (2005:58), "Method is a method taken by researchers
in finding understanding in line with the focus and goals set. The term method often
qualitative research is research that is descriptive in nature and tends to use analysis. Process
and meaning (subject perspective) are more highlighted in qualitative research. The
theoretical basis is used as a guide so that the research focus is in accordance with the facts
on the ground. In addition, the theoretical basis is also useful for providing an overview of the
research background and as a material for discussing research results.

According to Sibarani, (2014: 25), qualitative methods seek to explore, find, reveal, and
explain the "meaning" (meaning) and "patterns" of the object of research that is studied
holistically. This qualitative research follows the steps of Miles and Huberman (Sibarani,
2014: 24-27), namely
a) Data collection (data collection), namely collecting data in the form of words by means
of interviews, observations, document digests, recording, and recording.
b) Data reduction, namely summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the
important things, looking for themes and patterns and "setting aside" unnecessary ones.
c) Data display (data presentation), namely showing data, classifying data, presenting it in
the form of narrative text or charts.
d) Conclusion drawing/verification, namely drawing conclusions and verification so that
researchers can formulate the findings of the researcher.
Data collection method is a research method in reviewing data both from literature
review and field research. The data collection methods in qualitative research are:
Observation and interviews.

III. Discussion

3.1 The Historical Value of Gorga in Batak Toba Community

Traditional Gorga is a variety of two-dimensional carvings that adorn the Batak Toba
traditional house. As a decorative carving, the traditional Gorga is synonymous with the
king's house or the house of the rich. In addition to the Batak Toba traditional house, the
traditional Gorga is also found in urging devices (musical instruments), hunting-gathering
equipment, and craft objects. That is, the most complete application of traditional Gorga is
found in the Batak Toba traditional house. The traditional Gorga heritage in the Batak Toba
traditional house is found in the areas of Samosir, Lumbanuulu, Porsea, Silimbat, Balige, and
Bakara. Judging from its history, the Samosir region is believed by the Batak Toba people to
have the oldest power compared to other regions. They have passed down from generation to
generation the insight of the traditional Gorga and values to be passed on to the next
generation, because there is a sense of pride in them for the traditional Gorga that once
existed in the Batak Toba traditional house. According to them, traditional Gorga forms
contain aesthetic elements that are inherited directly by their ancestors. That is, the traditional
Gorga grew as a consequence of the communication that the Batak Toba community had
inherited to families who had clan attachments and closeness.
Traditional communities communicate by building mental and spiritual strength, so that
they can give life to its citizens in achieving their goals and hopes. According to the Batak
Toba people, the traditional Gorga in the Batak Toba traditional house contains symbolic
meanings as a medium for communicating with ancestral spirits who still reside in the world.
Therefore, any communication related to ancestral spirits is always associated with the
traditional Gorga. The symbolic meanings of the traditional Gorga in the Batak Toba
traditional house are reflected in its motifs. According to the Batak Toba people, motifs that
resemble humans, animals, giants, and the cosmos contain symbolic meanings that are sacred.
In addition, plant and geometric motifs contain symbolic meanings that are profane. Based on
its symbolic meaning, traditional Gorga compositions occupy structured areas, starting from
the top, middle, and bottom. The symbolic meanings that are sacred in nature make the socio-
religious status of the traditional Gorga occupy the highest position compared to the profane

Therefore, the Batak Toba people from generation to generation still preserve the
traditional Gorga as an ornament of their traditional house. They believe that the existence of
the traditional Gorga in the Batak Toba traditional house is empowered to ward off evil
spirits that are around it, and become a way of life. This is in accordance with Sirait's
statement (1977:17), that the traditional Gorga in the Batak Toba traditional house is
intended as a medium for guarding the safety of its inhabitants, because the traditional Gorga
contains high spiritual values and strong aesthetic values.
Over time, various aspects regarding the traditional Gorga have changed. The Batak
Toba people's belief in the sacredness of the traditional Gorga has faded. Eliade once asserted
that the religious meaning of the cosmos was lost because the sacred perspective changed as a
whole to become useless and meaningless (Eliade, 2002: 108). This causes the Batak Toba
people to develop more progressively and gradually have separated themselves from
traditional rules. Now, traditional Gorga artifacts in Batak Toba traditional houses are no
longer found in Samosir district. The architecture of the Batak Toba traditional house is still
preserved, but the traditional Gorga motifs have been replaced with 'new' Gorga motifs. In
addition, the arrangement of the patterns is also not as complete as in the traditional Gorga
even though the layout of the traditional Gorga motifs has shown evidence of the intellectual
intelligence of the Toba people.

3.2 The Meaning and Function of Gorga for the Batak Toba People
a. Gorga Singa singa Ornament Sign Shape
When viewed from the origin of the word Gorga Singa Singa comes from the word lion
which means a wild animal that becomes the king of the forest. But the form of Gorga singa
singais not likes the shape of a real lion. Gorga singa singahave more resemblance to a
human face with a squatting attitude. The head is made big and the feet are small and the eyes
are wide, the head is decorated with a three-color cloth, namely red, white, black and the feet
kneel just below the head. Located above the right and left pillars of the Toba Batak
traditional house.
Functions of the Gorga singa singa Ornament Sign
• Represents the attitude and existence of one's wealth, power, wisdom. Gorga singa
singameans strength, sturdiness, and authority, so everyone who occupies the house is a
person who is powerful and wise in making decisions in a problem.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga, without these carvings the
house will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of the Gorga singa-singa Sign

Gorga singa singa symbolize strength, sturdiness, authority in the village. Lions are
wild animals that eat anything (omnivores) and are found in the forest. Gorga singa
singaconsists of a human face with a tongue that sticks out almost to the chin. The head is
decorated with three bolit cloth 'three colors', namely red, white, and black and the attitude of
the feet kneeling just below the head.

Figure 1. Ornamen Gorga Ulu Paung
(Source: Dokumentasi Pribadi)
3.3 The Sianrebale Age (zero culture)
Gorga Ulu Paung is a giant ornament in the form of half human and half animal, often
found in the form of a human head with buffalo horns. It is located at the top end of the Toba
Batak traditional house. Ulu Paung is basically the same as Jenggar/Jongrom, namely an
ornament in the shape of a buffalo head. The difference is only in the matter of its location.

a. Functions of the Gorga Ulu Paung Ornament Sign

• Demonstrate an attitude of alertness, agility in the face of various kinds of trials or
distress. Gorga Ulu Paung symbolizes might. So, everyone who occupies the house is a
person who is alert and quick to face all the trials and dangers that come.
• As a decorative symbol to beautify the Toba Batak traditional house. A house without
furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga, without these carvings the house
will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of the Gorga Ulu Paung Ornament Sign

Gorga Ulu Paung is a symbol of strength to protect the household from demons. In
some areas, the Ulu Paung is still made from the original buffalo head. In ancient times Ulu
Paung was equipped (content) with supernatural metaphysical powers. In addition to
beautifying the house, Ulu Paung also functions to fight the begu "ghosts" of the fields that
come from outside the village. In ancient times, the Batak people were often attacked by
black forces from outside the house to create disputes within the house (family) so that they
did not get along between husband and wife. Or make the residents of the house difficult to
sleep or fear and also physical pain and various kinds of disharmony. From the meaning of
Gorga Ulu Paung above which means a symbol of strength to protect the whole house from

3.4 Ornament Sign Shape Gorga Sitompi

Figure 2. Ornamen Gorga Sitompi

(Source: Dokumentasi Pribadi)

Gorga Sitompi is a Gorga in the form of a tool to tie a buffalo neck to a plow when
plowing a field. This tool is made of woven rattan, so judging by the movement of the
wicker, it becomes the basis for this Gorga Sitompi.

a. Functions of the Gorga Sitompi Ornament Sign

• As a means of cohesiveness and mutual help among the Toba Batak people to solve a
problem or in a state of joy and sorrow. Gorga Sitompi means cultural ties, so that
everyone in the house has a sense of helping others. Because mutual help produces
cohesiveness among people and will produce harmony and peace.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga, without these carvings the
house will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of the Gorga Sitompi Ornament Sign

Gorga Sitompi is a symbol of cultural ties. In ancient times humans worked hand in
hand (helping each other) in everything, so that in ancient times kinship and kinship were
very close. From the meaning of Gorga Sitompi above which has a meaning as a symbol of
cultural ties?

3.5 Sign Gorga Desa Naualu

Figure 3. Ornamen Gorga Desa Naualu ‘delapan penjuru mata angin‘

(Source: Dokumentasi Pribadi)

Gorga Desa Naualu in the form of the cardinal directions which are added with
decorations. There are eight cardinal directions, namely: east, southeast, south, southwest,
west, northwest, north, northeast. This Gorga is usually placed in the upper, left and right
corners of the Toba Batak traditional house.

a. Gorga Ornament Sign Function Desa Naualu

Demonstrate attitudes and behavior regarding ethics in carrying out activities, such as
holding parties, traditional ceremonies and so on. Gorga naualuis said to be the cardinal
direction, so that each cardinal direction shows a person's attitude and behavior in carrying
out their daily lives.
• As a decorative symbol to beautify the Toba Batak traditional house. A house without
furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga, without these carvings the house
will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of Naualu Village Gorga Ornament Signs
Gorga Desa Naualu or it is said to be the direction of the wind is used as a symbol
associated with ritual activities, farming season, fishing season and so on. There are eight
cardinal directions, namely: east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north,
northeast. Of the eight cardinal directions that signify these symbols. From the meaning of
Gorga, Naualu village above, which means a symbol of ritual activity, farming season, and
fishing season?

3.6 Iran-iran Gorga Ornament Sign Shape

Figure 4. Ornamen Gorga Iran-Iran

(Source: Dokumenasi Pribadi)

Gorga Iran-Iran is in the form of a type of human make-up material to make it look
more beautiful. Gorga Iran-Iran is located on the left and right side of the Toba Batak
traditional house.

a. Gorga Iran-iran Ornament Sign Function

• More shown to someone who has beauty, beauty and can be interpreted as someone
who is holy. Gorga Iran-Iran means a symbol of beauty. So, everyone who occupies
the house is a beautiful person in terms of face and behavior in their daily lives.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga , without these carvings
the house will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of Gorga Iran-iran Ornament Signs

This Iranian-iranian Gorga is considered a symbol of beauty. Humans if decorated
will look beautiful. Likewise, the Toba Batak traditional house, each side of the traditional
house is carved with ornaments that function to beautify the traditional house. Gorga Iran-
Iran is located on the left and right side of the Toba Batak traditional house. From the
meaning of Gorga Iran-Iran above, it is a symbol of beauty.

3.7 Gorga Ipon-ipon

Figure 5. Ornamen Gorga Ipon-Ipon

(Source: Dokumenasi Pribadi)

3.8 Gorga Manuk

Figure 6. Ornament Gorga Manuk

(Source: Dokumenasi Pribadi)

Manuk means chicken. Chickens are usually for the Batak people as pets placed under
the Toba Batak traditional house. The chicken has two legs and is located under Gorga
Simataniari. Located in the middle of the Toba Batak traditional house and below Gorga

a. Functions of the Gorga Manuk Ornament Sign

• As a person's attitude to remind about various advice. Gorga Manuk means a
reminder to a child who wanders far away to remember his parents. So, the person
who occupies the house if his child wanders away will always remember the good
advice given by his parents and implemented in his overseas country.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga , without these carvings
the house will not be beautiful.

b. Meaning of Gorga Manuk Ornament Sign

Gorga Manuk means Panungguli "reminder" for his children who are far away
overseas, still remembering the bona pasogit "homeland", so that his sustenance is abundant.

3.9 Ornamen Gorga Sitangan

Figure 7. Ornamen Gorga Sitangan

(Source: Dokumenasi Pribadi)

The hand is a small white box that serves to store betel, cigarettes, or other small
objects. Gorga Sitagan is symmetrical like a box lid and is above Gorga Gaja dompak.
Located above Gorga Gaja dompak. Toba Batak traditional house.

a. Functions of the Gorga Sitangan Sign Ornament
• As a place to store objects and things so that they are not easily lost and damaged.
Gorga Sitangan means advice not to be arrogant to people who come to visit. So,
everyone who looks after and takes good care of the items in his house is a sign of
someone who is busy in receiving guests.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga , without these carvings
the house will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of the Gorga Sitangan Ornament Sign

Gorga Sitangan means advice to get rid of pride, especially when receiving guests.
Ancestors used to always respect other people outside. Gorga Sitagan is symmetrical like a
box lid and is above Gorga Gaja dompak.

3.10 Ornament of Gorga Dalihan Natolu Signs

Figure 8. Ornamen Gorga Dalihan Natolu

(Source: Dokumenasi Pribadi)

Gorga Dalihan Natolu is in the form of intertwined tendrils. Dalihan natolu consists of
three meanings, namely: somba Marhula-hula, manat Mardongan tubu and elek marboru.
From the Dalaihan Na Tolu philosophy above, the Toba Batak people practice it as a rule and
norm in their daily life. In addition, the kinship relationship that the community has is very
close. Located on the front wall of the Toba Batak traditional house.

a. Dalihan Natolu Gorga Ornament Sign Function

• As a sign of solidarity and a strong sense of kinship among the Toba Batak people.
Gorga Dalihan Natolu symbolizes the life philosophy of the Batak people. So,
everyone who occupies the house has a sense of kinship seen from that philosophy,
namely somba marhula-hula, manat mardongan tubu, daan elek marboru so that the
Toba Batak people have cohesiveness in their lives.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga , without these carvings
the house will not be beautiful.

b. The Meaning of Dalihan Natolu's Gorga Ornament Sign
Gorga Dalihan natolusymbolizes the philosophy of Dalihan Natolu which is the
philosophy of life of the Batak people in relationships with others, namely: somba Marhula-
hula, manat Mardongan tubu and elek marboru. everyday life. In addition, the kinship
relationship that the community has is very close. Gorga Dalihan Natolu is usually found on
the dorpijolo (front wall).

3.11 Gorga Gaja Dompak

Figure 9. Ornamen Gorga Gaja Dompak

(Source: Dokumenasi Pribadi)

Gorga Gaja dompak is shaped like a 'giant' jenggar which is located at the end of the
corner of the Toba Batak traditional house. This Gorga Gaja dompak resembles a human
with eyes, tongue and nose.

a. Functions of the Gorga Gaja Dompak Ornament Sign

As a source of rules and laws. Gorga Gaja Dompak is a symbol of truth, namely law.
So, everyone who runs his life is based on laws that must be implemented and obeyed.
• As a symbol of decoration to beautify the traditional Batak Toba house. A house
without furniture is not beautiful to look at, neither is Gorga , without these carvings
the house will not be beautiful.

b. Meaning of the Gorga Gaja Dompak Ornament

Gorga Gaja dompak is a symbol of truth for the Batak people, namely the law that
comes from Debata Mulajadi Nabolon. The law in the Toba Batak community is very strong.
If the rules are violated, the punishment can be expelled from the village.
The meaning of the symbols in the Toba Batak ethnic traditional house (Ruma Bolon)
are the hopes, ideals, and views of life that are represented in the traditional house, namely
through the symbol of the shape of the house, the cosmology of the Toba Batak traditional
house, the materials used to make the house, as well as decorative ornaments in the form of
carvings that are used to make the house. called Gorga .

IV. Conclusion

At the end of this study the author will present several conclusions. In line with the
formulation of the problem in this study, the intended summary can be seen in the following
1. The traditional Gorga in the Toba Batak traditional house contains symbolic meanings
as a medium for communicating with ancestral spirits who still reside in the world.
Therefore, any communication related to ancestral spirits is always associated with the
traditional Gorga . The symbolic meanings of the traditional Gorga in the Toba Batak
traditional house are reflected in its motifs.
2. The function of the Gorga ornament found in the Toba Batak traditional house shows
an attitude of wisdom, power, wealth, cohesiveness, ethics, advice, kinship, warding off
evil (mystical) spirits, love of culture, and overcoming all problems.


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