Two Individuals That Will Change How You Think About The Water You Drink

In this next section, we're going to explain how we use the work of Masaru Emoto from Japan and Johann Grander from Austria to return water to its purist and most vitalstate.

The Research of Masaru Emoto from Japan

Below are only two photos of 85 that show the dramatic impact of prayers, words, music, and sounds on the crystal formations in water.  You can see many more examples by going to Masaru Emoto's website here:  Or you can watch part of the YouTube documentary we've included below.  The documentary shows the crystals actually forming as they play various types of music to it.  

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, took pictures that showed how water can be affected by sounds and even our interactions with it. He studied how music and vibrations can change the way water molecules are arranged. He even studied how prayers and words like "Love & Gratitude" versus words like "Hate & Evil" could change the water molecules.  In both cases, kind words and inspirational music created beautiful crystal formations, while heavy metal music and hate words fractured the crystals formed.  He found that these changes can be seen in photographs, and his book "The Hidden Messages in Water" became a New York Times bestseller when he revealed his research to the world. And as you think about this research, remember that the average adult human body is made up of 70% water.  And according to some sources, water comprises 80% your pet dog's body.  

We believe that restructuring the water we provide to you and your family can be important for your health. This is because water is a big part of everything that is alive, including us and the water we drink. If we can improve the structure of the water that we drink, we feel we can make it even purer.

By using Masaru Emoto's research, we think that the water we treat with the MasaruEmoto research findings will have a positive effect on your health. We hope that our water will help you feel better and be healthier as a result.  It's what we drink.

"Here is something that should hurt your brain. We can empty half the beds in all the hospitals in the world by just giving people clean water."    

- Dean Kamen in the movie "SlingShot" (Netflix)

Masaru Emoto Video Documentary

Dr. Emoto used high-speed cameras to take pictures of frozen water crystals. He discovered that when different sounds and ultrasound were played near the water, the crystals formed differently. Water from clear springs and water that was exposed to positive things had pretty and complex snowflake shapes. But water that was polluted, had chlorine in it, or was exposed to negative things had ugly shapes and dull colors.

: If you start the video below at the 15-minute mark, you can see how various pieces of music transform the water's crystals as you watch.  You can also hear and see how the music is impacting the water as part of this documentary:

The Research of Johann Grander from Austria

Perhaps the easiest way to sum up Grander's research is that he found that water stores information about its environment and its travels.  So, when water moves through crystal clear springs and rivers it can pass that information along.  To prove that, Grander encapsulated the most vibrant and alive waters he could find in stainless steel rods.  He then found that when he suspended these GRANDER rods into another body of water, that it changes that other body of water's information to match that of the water stored inside the rod.  The rods never have to be repaired or replaced. And just as remarkable as Emoto's research, these too created another unexplainable effect.  The water exposed to the GRANDER rods because equally alive, vibrant, and pure.

One rancher we spoke to in Alberta, Canada said that he threw one of the largest GRANDER rods into a stagnant pond loaded with algae.  After a couple of hours, the pond began to clear.  A day later, he said all of his cows went to that pond and started to drink the water there instead of in the trough where their water was usually stored.  That convinced him.  He said unless his animals had suddenly read Grander's research like insome Gary Larson cartoon, their unbiased preference was all the proof he needed.  He said he even drinks water from that pond now, decades later.

That same rancher arranged an experiment with a friend's daughter who needed to come up with a school project.  He suggested to her that she try a variety of comparisons between water that was filtered versus unfiltered tap water, and water that was filtered and GRANDER treated versus water that wasn't filtered.  You'll see the results of one of those comparisons in the picture below.  He's been using the GRANDER rods for several decades now, and we can see why.  If you join us at one of our demonstrations, we'll show you how it works with a GRANDER Penergizer.  And 'yes' we use the GRANDER Immersion Rods in our water tanks that we use to deliver your water.  It's what we now drink. After 20 minutes in the tanks, the water replaced all the information that was stripped by going through the intense reverse osmosis purification.

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