Jason Koivu's Reviews > The Satanic Bible

The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey
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it was ok
bookshelves: fantasy, fiction, humor, rock-out

For my 666th review I couldn't think of a more appropriate book than The Satanic Bible!


I bought this about 25 years ago and just now got around to reading it. Thanks for the motivation, Good Reads!

Why did I buy The Satanic Bible way back when I was a teenager? Well, it's like this...

Rock music has always been seen by some as a source of evil and there's a history of musicians who supposedly sold their souls to the devil.


There were rock & roll "gods" like my hero Jimmy Page, who it is rumored followed occultist Aleister Crowley. As a guitar playing teen I idolized them and wanted to be them to the point of buying a book like this. I wondered, was there magic within? Would the devil make me a rock god, too? Or just getting me laid would be cool...

I expected sex, blood, magic, horror, demons, and more sex and way more magic.


Then I read it and what I got was more like...

(Just to the left of the clock I believe is George Bush #2 and that's pretty satanic in and of itself.)

Honestly, this book is just not as exciting as I'd hoped. I'm sure it would scandalize a churchy type, but it didn't do much for me.

It didn't start well. Right up front you learn that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, was a carny. A carny who gets his panties in a bunch because he sees men being pious hypocrites, so he shaves himself bald and starts a cult, no sir, that is not a good start to a new religion.

There's a foreword by a journalist, who describes meeting and getting to know LaVey. I thought this was a nice touch. It showed a more human side to the story. I'm one of those people that believe journalists should be unbiased, people who you can rely on to give you the facts, just the facts. But then you learn this particular journalist became a high priest in the Church of Satan, and well, that kind of crushed his unbiased credibility.

Moving on to LaVey's theories and ideas, we see some ridiculousness and some common sense. On the one hand, I very much doubt LaVey would want to live in the world of chaos that his vision would create. "Do whatever you want" sounds fun, and certainly some people do need to lighten up, but when you live in a world of chaos (I spent sometime living in a house run by anarchist punks, so I got a taste of what that'd be like) you learn the value of a few basic societal rules. LaVey's militant eye-for-an-eye-and-then-some (Meaning he believes you strike down those who offend you with even greater force) outlook coupled with a world of chaos would've put LaVey himself in harm's way very quickly.

The first half of the book expounds upon his theories. This section is much more relaxed than I expected. He speaks off the cuff, using slang and humor. It's an interesting approach to the writing of a religious text. Definitely a relief from the stuffy Holy Bible. By the way, any Satanists reading this can relax. Yes, I'm bagging on your boy a bit here, but I also think Christians are ridiculous, too. I'm one of those people who has faith in themselves, that they will do the right thing. So far I'm doing all right. Haven't murdered any one yet!

Later The Satanic Bible gets into the whole "spell casting" thing, the reason I bought the damned book in the first place. Much is made of sex, blood essence, speaking accursed names aloud and none of it was as cool as I'd hoped. I did like that LaVey calls out the people who sacrifice animals as cowards for not having the balls to draw their own blood for these rituals.

The last half of the book is a very short, quick read. There's barely more than a dozen lines on some of the last hundred or so pages. Sometimes it's just a title page or one simple sentence and blank space on the back side. This was done for aesthetics and it's a big waste of paper. The book would be a lot smaller otherwise.

All in all, I think Christians get their panties in a bunch over nothing much here. And as LaVey says, they need Satan. It's the Yin and Yang. God, Jesus and the other goodie goodies have to have a counter point. The good guys need the bad guys.
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Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Deanna (new)

Deanna I read this as a teenager. Our public libary always did a banned books display and I'd always browse through. I remember ut being dead boring.15 year old me was expecting headier stuff.

message 2: by Anne (new)

Anne Excellent review! I need to put his on my to-read list, obviously. Like you, I have faith that I will at least 'try' to do the decent thing. Most days...

message 3: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Great review, so funny. :)

Jason Koivu Thank you!

message 5: by Todd (new)

Todd Oh god. I don't think my parents would allow me to read this. Haha. Would be interesting!

Jason Koivu Todd wrote: "Oh god. I don't think my parents would allow me to read this. Haha. Would be interesting!"

My mom wasn't thrilled when she found it on my bookshelf. :)

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Congrats on so many reviews.

Jason Koivu Steve wrote: "Congrats on so many reviews."

Thanks, Steve! I was surprised when I noticed the total reviews creeping up over 660. Doesn't seem like it's been that many or that I've been doing it for that long.

message 9: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Burton Hilarious. I love it. Thanks, Jason.

message 10: by midnightfaerie (new)

midnightfaerie Wonderful review. I too, have had this on my shelf forever, trying to find time to read it. For me, it's more of an extensive genre thing...I like getting a comprehensive view on all subjects, and don't like shying away from stuff just cuz it's controversial. Your review has incited me to get to it sooner!

Jason Koivu midnightfaerie wrote: "Wonderful review. I too, have had this on my shelf forever, trying to find time to read it. For me, it's more of an extensive genre thing...I like getting a comprehensive view on all subjects, and ..."

Daniel (Attack of the Books!) wrote: "Hilarious. I love it. Thanks, Jason."

Thanks and thanks!

message 12: by Ian (new)

Ian "Marvin" Graye The John Lanchester novel I just read tells a joke about an evil dyslexic who sold his soul to Santa!

Jason Koivu Ian wrote: "The John Lanchester novel I just read tells a joke about an evil dyslexic who sold his soul to Santa!"

That made my wife guffaw.

message 14: by Ian (new)

Ian "Marvin" Graye Mine too!

message 15: by kimberly_rose (new)

kimberly_rose Hahah! That "stuffy Holy Bible" line... made me laugh. One of many laughs during this review. Which was personally enlightening. I was raised in an extremely repressive (Christian-based) religious cult, and for the first twenty or so years of my life lived in ABJECT FEAR--captitlaized, all the way--of Satan. And look at me now, easily, comfortably, laughing at your review of The Satanic Bible, found via your tag 'penises.' Go, me!

Jason Koivu KimberlyRose wrote: "Hahah! That "stuffy Holy Bible" line... made me laugh. One of many laughs during this review. Which was personally enlightening. I was raised in an extremely repressive (Christian-based) religious ..."

Glad you enjoyed my relatively silly review! If it's not too personal a question, what cult was it?

Lieselot Bresseleers Saint Rita was here to fix all your problems. Have a nice Saint Rita Day. X

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