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Sejarah Asia Tenggara

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Buku sejarah Asia Tenggara yang baru dan komprehensif yang mencakup periode panjang sejak zaman prasejarah sampai tahun 2000-an. Sejarawan Marle Ricklefs telah membawa bersamanya lima sejarawan yang menjadi rekan kerjanya di National University of Singapore yang kepakarannya mencakup seluruh wilayah Asia Tenggara dan meliputi sejarah politik, sosial, ekonomi, agama dan budaya.

Dibuka dengan catatan mengenai kelompok etnis serta struktur budaya dan sosial Asia Tenggara masa awal, lantas pembahasan dibawa melintasi masa yang disebut sebagai sejarah ‘klasik’ negara-negara Asia Tenggara, datangnya agama Hindu, Buddha, Islam dan Kristen serta dampak kuat pelaku non-Pribumi. Pembahasan mengenai sejarah tahap-tahap awal kemodernan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara dan pergantian penguasa di sana dilanjutkan dengan analisis tentang Perang Dunia II yang berdampak di seluruh wilayah Asia Tenggara. Para penulis buku ini menawarkan catatan lengkap mengenai dekolonisasi dan pembangunan bangsa pada masa-masa awal pascapenjajahan, buku ini kemudian membawa kita ke masa-masa modern Asia Tenggara, mengamati wilayah ini dalam sebuah dunia yang berusaha memulihkan diri dari krisis keuangan.

Tim yang terdiri dari penulis yang berbeda menampilkan narasi yang bisa dipercaya dan dapat dicerna, menunjukkan hasil penelitian terbaru dan menawarkan petunjuk detail untuk bacaan lebih lanjut. Kerja bersama yang memukau dan merupakan kontribusi yang sangat penting terhadap kajian Asia Tenggara. Sebuah bacaan wajib bagi para sarjana, pelajar dan siapa saja yang ingin mengetahui Asia Tenggara.

800 pages, Hardcover

First published December 7, 2010

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M.C. Ricklefs

20 books24 followers
Merle Calvin Ricklefs

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Maggie.
54 reviews
October 12, 2016
I've been assigning this book as the main textbook for my classes on the History of Southeast Asia. Since we cover more or less events since 1800, I use mostly the second half. I assign a few of the first chapters as background/foundational reading. It is a decent text to use - clearly written and fairly concise, splitting things up by country or region within each chapter for the most part.
My primary issues with this book are as follows: there is basically no mention of women or gender and like so many histories of Asia in general it is very much focused on political history. This is very much a "history from the top" and almost zero social or cultural history or acknowledgement of gender. However at least it doesn't antiquate, exoticize or "other-ize" Southeast Asia as so many books do. Alongside this text, students in my class read first-hand accounts and articles about social and gender history to round things out. Should the authors or publishers decide to update this text, there would be some easy ways to do that.
Profile Image for Carlos.
2,275 reviews70 followers
July 5, 2019
This was an interesting and balanced look at the complex history of this corner of the world. The authors manage to avoid inundating the reader with inordinate lists of dates and figures and seek instead to go beyond the facile labels like “Islamization” to describe the nuanced interplay between the indigenous and foreign elements in its history. I was also particularly pleased to find an honest discussion about the doubts that still remain regarding the arrival and migrations of the myriad ethnic groups prevalent in the region. In this way the authors manage to acknowledge the complicated interplay between ethnicity and religious affiliation, especially after the arrival of Christian missionaries. Similarly, I was overjoyed to find the authors avoid giving inordinate attention to the more famous, though not necessarily more important, aspects of Southeast Asian history like the Vietnam War. By avoiding getting sucked into the minutia of these aspects the authors manage to maintain a balanced look at the overarching historical picture and avoid giving the impression that these nations were defined by these events any more than by the innumerable other interactions among themselves. Quite honestly, this was a great introduction for anyone who is interested in getting a basic understanding of the historical context in which these nations are developing.
Profile Image for Carolyn Harris.
Author 7 books64 followers
November 1, 2018
A good overview of the political and religious history of the region. There is less space devoted to society and culture and the status of women. The early chapters are little hard to follow but the modern history is well organized and described for those who are new to the history of the region. There are certain key developments that seem to be summarized very quickly, especially the Vietnam War. The further reading section is exceptionally detailed and useful as it is organized by time period, country and theme. A good introduction to Southeast Asian history.
Profile Image for Milafatur R.
16 reviews
July 29, 2021
Ini masuk dalam list buku favorit. Ada banyak hal yg tidak begitu publik tp dapat ditemukan di sini. Muncul paham baru yg lebih konseptual. Bagi orang-orang yg memiliki kelebihan dapat menjelajah dengan cara membaca, buku ini sangat menarik untuk menyelam di dalamnya.
Profile Image for Safar Nurhan.
77 reviews2 followers
May 6, 2024
someone who know about southeast asia, this book recommended for you. not complete, but little capture southeast asia, from early culture area until southeast asia today.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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