SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Did you know Utah is home to many unique and remarkable insect life?

With spring around the corner, creepy crawlies are out to play, and here is a list of the ones possibly hanging out in your very own backyard:

1. Acorn Weevil

This Utah native is a nut-loving fiend. They use acorns as a food source and as a nursery.

Acorn Weevils can easily be identified by their long snout. This unique proboscis allows the beetle to make holes in the nuts they eat and raise their young in. Some general characteristics of this beetle are that it flies and is hairy.

Pictures courtesy of Canva

2. Banded Alder Borer Beetle

Also known as the Rosalia funebris, is a member of the Longhorn Beetle family Cerambycidae.

General characteristics of this beetle include its long antennas, flying capabilities, they hold strips and spots.

According to Insect Identification, adult Banded Alder Borer Beetles are most active in the day and can be found in large numbers on the trunks and branches of trees.

“Different populations seem to prefer a particular type of tree based on their geographical position,” they share. “In the Southwest, they cluster on alder trees, their namesake, but in the Rocky Mountains, they are seen on willows, and in the Pacific Northwest, they are common on ash trees.”

3. Blue Death-feigning Beetle

These bugs are native to the Mojave and Sonoran desert regions. Also known as the Asbolus verrucosus, these creatures deter would-be predators with their ability to appear dead, if possums had a bug cousin, these bad boys would be it!

“A frightened beetle will quickly roll onto its back and bend all of its legs in order to appear dried out and dead to an approaching threat,” informs Insect identification. “The hope is that the predator will pass by, preferring fresh and juicy prey. The beetle will hold its pose for minutes into hours if it deems it necessary. They do not react to touching, pushing, or probing while faking death. Once the perceived threat is long gone, the beetle uprights itself and walks on, foraging for food.”

Courtesy of Iowa State University

4. Brown Recluse Spider

According to Beeline Pest Control, this is one of Utah’s most dangerous spiders.

General characteristics for this fiend is a chevron pattern down the middle of the abdomen, with the V-shapes directed to the head. In addition, they also have a very light stripe running down the middle of the chest.

Local pest control officials say, the reason they are dangerous is because they can cause necrosis after biting a person.

“You may feel numbness at the bite site or the tongue within 15 minutes and feel dizzy,” they inform. “Blistering and discharge of fluids within 24 hours. This spider is extremely fast and once the spider bite occurs, people rarely see or catch them. If you think you may have been bitten by one, seek medical attention immediately.”

5. Wolf Spider

“The Wolf spider is a very common spider in the United States and even more common in Utah. Due to the large size of the Wolf spider, many people are fearful of them. Some of these species can even grow up to two inches,” Beeline Pest control shares.

Also identified as one of the most dangerous spiders in Utah, these eight-legged bad predators are hunters and like the wolf, stalk and attack their prey by pouncing.

“You will most likely find Wolf spiders on the ground in grassy areas. Even though their bite is not lethal, it can be very painful,” the team shares.