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Rawa Pening 14/09/2010

Posted by tunjungnesta in Central Java.

Rawa Pening

Rawa Pening is a lake once the water attractions in the district of Semarang, Central Java. With an area of 2670 hectares, this place is located in the subdistrict Banyubiru. Rawa Pening located on the lower slopes of Mount Merbabu basin, Telomoyo Mountain, and Mount Ungaran.

rawa pening

Rawa Pening already there are around 1000-2000 years ago. According to legend, the marshes formed by the reel hole “cabutan lidi” a strong magician that transformed into a little boy named Baru Klinthing.

The legend began with a very powerful one named Baru Klinthing. But he was cursed by a wicked witch, so he tranformed to into a child who has a number of injuries and smells very fishy. The wound is incurable.


Then Baru Klinthing finally arrived in the village. When Baru Klinthing start starving, he was around the village looking for food, but the villagers rejected him and berate. Though Baru Klinthing continue to be rejected by the people, he did not give up until he finally found a grandmother (widow) who are willing to feed him. After Baru Klinthing finished eating, the propagators give grandma a mortar and pestle and told the old woman to ascend to the mortar after hearing “kentongan” voices.

Baru Klinthing then left the village, when the voyage out, he encountered a number of children who were playing, he wanted to join but the children were denied the presence of Baru Klinthing, even jeered. Baru Klinthing became angry and stuck a stick in that place.

One by one the villagers had tried to pull the stick, but they all failed. Baru Klinthing then drew a stick it back, but the hole’s appearance flowing water source so that the flood occurred which was then drowned village. The grandmother who helped Baru Klinthing is the only human who survived the flood because the dimples provided Baru Klinthing could turn into a boat.

fisherman's boat

Rawa Pening is a paradise for those of you who love the hobby of photography, the beauty of nature in the Rawa Pening is extraordinary; especially during sunrise (Pk. 05:00 GMT). Mystical atmosphere here is still deeply felt because the situation still original and has not been too much human intervention.




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