Iguana Symbolism and Meaning

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The iguana is a remarkable lizard that has captivated people’s imagination for centuries. With its prehistoric looks, nautical abilities, and sage-like presence, the iguana has come to symbolize many things to many cultures.

In this article, we will explore the key symbolic meanings associated with iguanas and how they have permeated myth, legend, and spiritual belief. We will look at the iguana totem, iguana spirit animal, iguana symbols in Mesoamerican cultures, and more. By the end, you will have a deeper understanding of this mystical lizard and what it represents.

Key Iguana Symbolic Meanings

Here are some of the main symbolic meanings associated with the iguana:

  • Wisdom – The iguana’s calm and steady nature is seen as wise by many cultures. Their stillness evokes the sense of an all-knowing sage.
  • Protection – Iguanas use their spines and whip-like tails to protect themselves, making them a symbol of defense and protection.
  • Cycles of Life – As an egg-laying species, iguanas represent birth and fertility. They go through cycles of shedding skin and rebirth.
  • Vision – With their pronounced third eye and ability to detect movement, iguanas are seen as having strong vision and insight.
  • Water – As skilled swimmers that live near water, iguanas have close ties to water symbolism in many cultures.

Iguana Totem and Spirit Animal

orange iguana
orange iguana

In Native American and Aboriginal traditions, the iguana serves as a meaningful totem and spirit animal for those who connect with its symbolic essence.

Iguana people are seen as calm, thoughtful folks who don’t speak before thinking. They make decisions slowly and deliberately while examining issues from all angles. As such, they give solid counsel.

Iguana energy brings protection, especially for those who feel vulnerable. By showing us how to blend into our surroundings, iguana reminds us that sometimes simply staying still is the best defense.

When iguana enters your life it is asking you to pause and reflect before taking action. Look deeper at what is being presented on the surface. With heightened vision and perception, you will gain clarity of mind.

Iguana Symbolism in Mesoamerica

The iguana held special meaning for cultures of Mesoamerica such as the Aztec, Mayan, and Olmec civilizations. Iguanas symbolized:

  • Fertility – Associated with cycles of life and death due to laying and burying eggs. Iguana sculptures adorned temples and burial sites.
  • Water – Iguanas’ affinity for water linked them to rain and agricultural fertility. Rain gods like the Aztec Tlaloc featured iguanas.
  • Underworld – As creatures that navigate between earth and water, iguanas represented a medium between worlds. They offered guidance for the deceased entering the underworld after death.
  • Creation – The island of earth was believed to be formed on the backs of iguanas swimming in the primordial sea by some Mesoamerican cultures.

Here is a table summarizing some of the major iguana symbols in Mesoamerican belief systems:

Underworld GuideXXX
Creation MythXX


In the iguana we find a wellspring of mythic symbolism across cultures from Mesoamerican civilizations to Native peoples of North America. What gives this lizard its symbolic potency? Its reptilian appearance echoes of a primordial age, evoking our connections to the ancient past. Its nautical talents speak to mediating between worlds above and below. And its still and steady nature exudes the essence of wisdom, perception, and protection.

Iguana meaning reveals itself differently across cultures but the core symbolic themes resonate. The iguana ultimately represents the most grounded, perceptive, and protected aspects of ourselves. By tuning into iguana energy we tap into the calm, thoughtful, and visionary part of our spirit.

Iguana FAQ

What is the habitat of iguanas?

Iguanas are native to tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. They are commonly found in forested areas and near water sources.

What is the size range of iguanas?

Iguanas can range from 1.2 to 2.0 meters (4 to 6.5 feet) in length, including their tails. They are large lizards with varying types of scales covering different areas of their bodies.

What is the diet of iguanas?

Iguanas have an exclusively herbivorous diet, foraging exclusively on vegetation and foliage. Their skull has undergone modifications resulting in a strong bite force and efficient processing of vegetation.

What are the reproductive characteristics of iguanas?

Male iguanas have two hemipenes, and during copulation, one hemipenis is inserted into the female’s cloacal vent. Females can store sperm from previous mates for several years to continue to fertilize their eggs.

Where are iguanas found?

There are two extant species in the genus Iguana: the Lesser Antillean iguana, found in the Lesser Antilles, and the green iguana, found in most of South America, parts of the Caribbean, and introduced to other regions. Additionally, three Caribbean subspecies of the green iguana are also recognized.

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