
STMJ Recipe, a Pro-Immune Beverage during the Pandemic

Selasa, 17 November 2020 - 01:23 | 113.68k
Illustration STMJ. (PHOTO: Kumparan.com)
Illustration STMJ. (PHOTO: Kumparan.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Other than those ginger ale or thousands other nice beverages made from local herbs and spices, Indonesia has a popular drink known as STMJ. Little did you know, this drink was believed to be pro-immune and such a good thing to have during this pandemic.

STMJ derived from the local language, Susu (Milk) Telor (Egg) Madu (Honey) Jahe (Ginger). As its name, this drink was made of  egg and ginger with a little bit taste of  milk and honey as the natural sweetener. How cool is that?

However, for those who never made this kind of drink, you need a little experiment to get the taste you wanted. But here, we try to give you an easy recipe of cerating a good taste of STMJ. Check this out.


500 ml fresh milk
3 cm of bruised ginger

1 tsp of cinnamon powder

2 cloves

2 cardamom

5 tbs honey

1 egg yolk

A little pepper powder (optional)


1. Bring the ginger, clove, cardamom and milk into a boil.

2. Directly put it on a glass after its ready.

3. Add the egg yolk, stir it well so it mixed evenly.

4. Add some pepper powder if you like it more tangy or spicy.

5. Last but not least, add the honey in to it. Stir it well and your STMJ is ready to serve.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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