New See-All Eyeglasses: A Consumer’s Report

TruFocals eyeglasses John Markoff/New York Times John Markoff’s innovative TruFocals eyeglasses, at right, aren’t as sleek as his old glasses, left. But he says he likes using the new glasses because of how well they enable him to focus on objects at different distances.

I have long been an adherent to the “form follows function” design philosophy.

At least until I came face to face with a pair of spectacles that make me look like a creature from a Harry Potter novel, the late John Lennon, or perhaps a refugee from a Devo concert.

In the early 1990s through a mutual friend, biologist and writer Cary Lu, I met Stephen Kurtin, a physicist and an independent inventor. He was sporting an odd pair of glasses and once in a while it appeared that he was scratching the bridge of his nose between his eyes. It turned out that he was engaged in a quest to design a pair of eyeglasses that could be manually focused on near and far objects ranging from a book to a mountain range.

At the time it seemed like an intriguing idea and I casually asked him to give me a call if he was able to commercialize it. A decade and a half later he called back. I visited his company, TruFocals, last week and wrote an article about Dr. Kurtin’s work.

Dr. Kurtin made me a pair of glasses to my prescription. (Disclosure: I paid retail.) I’m a presbyope (presbyopia is a condition faced by almost everyone over the age of 40 where the ability to focus on close objects gradually vanishes) and have struggled with bifocals and progressives for more than a decade. I have now been using the TruFocals for a week, and I’m a convert, although I have to confess I’m not using them as my only pair of glasses — yet.

The problem they do solve brilliantly is where bifocals, computer glasses and progressives have all failed for me: going back and forth between computer screen, laptop computer display and books, magazines and newspapers.

I had given up on computer glasses in the last six months and gone back to progressives. They are a terrible solution for someone who sits in front of a computer display all day. You have to make do with a tiny spot which focuses correctly. For anyone with a 17-inch display or larger this is literally a pain in the neck.

The TruFocals executives argue that the hassle of constantly changing focal length becomes second nature. I’m still not sure; after a week I still think about it when I change focus. But the ability to have everything on a 24-inch display in focus and then be able to refocus to read a newspaper is well worth the hassle. (Yes, it’s true, some of us still do read printed newspapers . . . )

There is the added fact that the glasses are expensive — $895 — but I justified the expense by reasoning that I spend most of my waking hours looking at things that are between 18 and 30 inches away.

Of course that leaves the form-follows-function fashion question unanswered.

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Brilliant. Superb example of how difficult it can be to make a good idea (Woodward’s original fluid lens in 1866) commercially viable. Needed to make the lenses light, flexible, and bubble-free. (Image from Kurtin’s patent, which looks like good reading but I can’t make out the small print.)

Is this the same technology that was supposed to promise large-scale benefits to the poor? If so, why do they cost so much? And where can I get a pair of the cheap kind? ‘Cause I’m fairly poor myself.

These sounds excellent. Far more important is that a drastically cheaper (if a bit clunkier) version of these glasses are already being distributed in the developing world. The beauty of this type of system is that one does not need to go see an eye doctor or use expensive devices to get glasses that work. John’s article (linked in the post) mentions more about it the different efforts. Tens of thousands of pairs of these glasses have already been distributed, at a cost of less than 20 dollars a pair (trending toward 2 dollars as economies of scale increase). For more information, see the Centre for Vision in the developing world at


Having to constantly, manually adjust for focus doesn’t seem much less useful than using binoculars in the short and long run. So instead of the usual tics of moving my head in funny ways to look at things and other people (which odd stares can be very disconcerting to others) I’d now have to develop a whole new set of of odd body language, making me look even more like the fidgety old man I’m trying hard not to become. I would like to see such glasses respond by adjusting their lenses according to my head’s or even eye movements, if such a thing is even possible.

I’m newly hit by presbyopia and it seems to have come on in full force. I’m using my single-vision glasses in a similar manner to Trufocals — I scoot them down my nose to see things close, mid-way on my nose to see the computer screen and while cooking, and all the way on my nose for driving or people-watching. Didn’t think to patent the process, though.

Next step: Make them auto-focus. Cameras do it. It is harder here because the focal plane must be much closer than the focusing distances of ordinary consumer cameras (if you want to autofocus by moving the lens, you have to move it much further, which is why Kurtin changes the shape of a fluid lens rather than moving a glass one) .

Measuring the distance ultrasonically is easy. The next step is an actuator that pumps fluid in and out, or changes the stress on the membrane that confines the fluid, in order to change the lens shape.

There are two choices here. The easy one is to calibrate the actuator settings against focal distances (“open loop”). But the human wearing the manual glasses does it “closed loop”: he adjusts the focus until he is happy with the results. The hard one is to do it automatically (adaptive optics). Use an imaging system and microprocessor that measures the sharpness of the image, and feed back until the image reaches its maximum sharpness (a sharp image is a true image). Doing this within the space, weight and cost constraints of a pair of eyeglasses would be challenging!

Dr. Kurtin: If you’d like to work on this together, contact me.

Jonathan Katz
Professor of Physics
Washington University
St. Louis, Mo. 63130

Richard in Connecticut August 6, 2009 · 5:59 pm

I, too, started banging around technologies for doing this about 20 years ago when my eyes started solidifying. First choice was liquid crystals, as it has been for quite a few people since about 1965. Second choice was mechanical deformation, and autofocus got added to the wish list along the way. In the last few years, advances in low-power high resolution displays (e.g. OLED) point toward a very cheap, although conceptually distasteful solution. However, I think that those who are approaching this somewhat closer to where the problem actually is, at the eyeball, will win out in a reasonable time frame. Maybe even in time for me!
–another presbyopic physicist tired of swapping glasses, but unwilling to look like a 20th century architect.

I suspect that tese glasses might run up against state rulings that only certified optometrists may sell corrective glasses. The idea can be broadened for people who have different corrective lens needs for each eye at different times of the day, presumably because of swelling in one eye or the other, perhaps related to body posture (lying down/sitting up.). One need only have an adjustment system for each lens. I have had such a situation for sbout ten years followng a dtroke.

See National Geographic Magazine, July 2009, p27

Dr. Joshua Silver designed a $19 pair that are wearer adjustable by injecting silicone oil between two sheets of plastic. No mention is made of a commercial version, but 30,000 pair have been distributed since 1996 in Africa and eastern Europe.

Phil Karn, Sr.

Still do not understand why it is that I can have plastic surgery, collagen injections, knee replacement surgery, a new heart, etc., but no one has figured a way to soften old eyeballs! (At first I thought that I had read that Mr. Markoff was saying that he was some sort of Presbyterian!)


Two different problems; two different solutions:

The Centre for Vision in the Developing World is using fluid-filled lenses to provide rudimentary vision correction to the 3rd world. (An admirable cause.) When a user first gets your glasses, he/she “tunes” each lens for the best fixed focus …and then removes the filling syringe.

To quote your web site: “When done, the user simply …cuts off the syringes and tubing – transforming the Adspecs into a normal pair of glasses…”

To be fair, the result isn’t actually a normal pair of glasses. Adspecs correct only for sphere, not cylinder or prism – and hence the end result is similar to what one would get with a pair of drug store reading glasses (except that each eye can have a different amount of sphere correction).

Once the initial adjustment has been made, it is frozen. Adspecs are not designed to be re-focused on a moment-by-moment basis. But, that is exactly what TruFocals are designed to do.

TruFocals allow presbyopes (essentially everyone over 45) the ability to have the best-quality vision correction PLUS the ability to change focus at will, just as their youthful eyes used to do.

This requires precision fluid-filled Lens Units, a patented opto-mechanical mechanism, and high quality ophthalmic lenses …which, of course, correct not only sphere but also cylinder (astigmatism) and any prism demand.

As I said: Different problem. Different solution.

$895?! They got some nerve, but then they got some suckers too.

Eye exercises help a lot, as does trying to get by with as weak of reading glasses as possible. Best is getting away from computer screens. Short cuts are things like ‘stopping down’ your eyes with bright light and using pinholes. Still, I have a range of glasses available for different tasks, including loupes mounted on old scratched up glasses for splinters and such.

A nerd pack with a couple or three different glasses bought on clearance can be had for maybe $25. Another solution is a small lens like an achromat kept in one’s wallet for close work.

low income 4 eyes August 7, 2009 · 6:59 pm

i beg thee, please keep up the experimenting in both technology and styles; and i’ll try to figure out whether how i look or how i see is more important to spend my money on. no offense but, bring on the knock offs.

As a myopic optical physicist, presbyopia is a non issue. All close work done without glasses. -3.5 diopter lenses suffice for clear far vision. QUESTION IS: Is the myopic (near sighted) crowd a minority? I do not see how this application will benefit my situation.


What’s wrong with trifocals? I’m a 75 year old “old eyes guy,” i.e. presbyope, and have used trifocals for decades. There’s nothing that’s not brought into focus by tilting my head very slightly except very close things, of course. But they have always required a lens or microscope. I tried progressives for a week and the small spot that was in focus drove me nuts since I read several words at a glance, on computers and in books. Trifocals are relatively cheap and work splendidly. For driving too.

Bravo! I met Dr. Kurtin over a decade ago at MIT. He was wearing an early pair – and I had no idea at the time why this was a big idea – I only needed one pair of glasses at the time.

Now I’m 55 and have two pairs – one progressive for mid and long range and a computer/desktop set of bifocals. I was going to swap the bifocals for a progressive short to mid range. And while thinking about this I remembered Dr. Kurtin and his glasses – wistfully…

I’m taking this to my Optometrist on Monday.

There is a lesson here on persistence…

I have trifocals. The middle window is perfect for the computer screen.

$895 doesn’t seem out of line, considering it’s replacing 2 and maybe 3 pairs of prescription glasses, each of which would cost $300-400, and doesn’t need replacing every 2-3 years.

My problem is that my eyeball changes shape depending on what I eat and how much sleep I get, so even my prescription glasses are sometimes worthless.

$895 does not seem too unreasonable to me. That’s not far off what I paid for driving (infinite focus) progressives with magnetic clip-on sunglasses and the anti-UV coating so helpful for sailors plus computer (fixed focus) progressives with the desirable anti-glare coating so helpful when fighting a window and a computer screen placed at 90-degree angles. Sadly, I can’t also afford a set for reading. The trick of pushing my glasses up and down my nose doesn’t seem to work for reading. I miss reading.

These lenses could last a very long time, so sturdy frames with the two-way hinges should be a design feature. Don’t forget the sunglasses. Oh, and faster, please.

For the presbyopia “what was that?” crowd: Yeah, they tell you presbyopia sets in between 35 and 40. What they don’t tell you is, for people with high minus corrections it sets in like a train. From “something is strange here” to my old glasses being useless took about a week.

Complaining about the high price is silly. It’s new technology. If it turns out to be popular then prices will drop.

It would be a good idea for this company to focus aggressively on autofocus as a way to turn this into a true mass market product. Early adopters would be willing to pay a very high cost for auto focus glasses (more than $895) and in the longer term, the market potential is enormous.

I could not handle progressives. They made me sea sick. . I have a bunch of reading glasses. The older lower power ones are better for the computer. The new high power ones for newspapers and books.

$895 is expensive, but a new pair of conventional reading glasses just cost me $350, and I live outside of Manhattan.

Hmm. $895? My vision sucks near and far. Thus, I’ve been using progressives for more than a decade. And, adding insult the prescription includes a prism to correct double vision. That said for $200 the prescription was filled with high index light weight lenses. In day to day walking around I hardly notice their presence.A second pair of reading glasses was had about $100. It’s a slight hassle to have to switch but not $595 worth of hassle.

I find lineless bifocals to be perfectly satisfactory for a lot less. Of course many ophthalmologists with refractive surgery practices are now pushing the Crystallens implant for presbyopes even without cataracts. //

How come we can have autofocus on our digital cameras and can’t have it on our spectacles?