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Blog Posts

Magicicada sp. adult on tall grass Brood X
Read article: Periodical cicadas of brood XIII and brood XIX emerge at same time!
Periodical cicadas of brood XIII and brood XIX emerge at same time!
For the first time in 221 years, periodical cicada brood XIII and brood XIX will emerge at the same time! A periodical cicada emergence can be an...
Troublesome lady beetles: Mexican bean and squash beetles. An adult squash beetle on a pumpkin leaf
Read article: Troublesome lady beetles: Mexican bean and squash beetles
Troublesome lady beetles: Mexican bean and squash beetles
Lady beetles are widely considered a gardener’s friend. Sure, multi-colored Asian lady beetles can be a nuisance when they make their way into our...
For the love of wasps: Good bugs that get a bad name. Katydid wasp, Sphex nudus, feeding on rattlesnake master flower.
Read article: For the love of wasps: Good bugs that get a bad name
For the love of wasps: Good bugs that get a bad name
Mention wasps to someone, and you’ll likely get a negative reaction. Wasps are often seen as scary, angry insects that are dangerous and likely to...
Carpenter bees: Destroyers of wood or beneficial pollinators? Carpenter bee on a purple passion flower
Read article: Carpenter bees: Destroyers of wood or beneficial pollinators?
Carpenter bees: Destroyers of wood or beneficial pollinators?
Bees are a welcome site in our gardens. Without the help of bees (and other pollinators) pollinating many of our plants, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy...

News Releases

group out hiking
Adventures await in Naturalist Core Education program
LEWISTOWN, Ill. - University of Illinois Extension's Naturalist Core Education Training is designed for adults of any age who love to learn about the natural world. The goal of the program is not to teach people everything there is to know about the...
Aphid pests on the move in backyard gardens, agricultural fields
URBANA, Ill. – Ever spy small, yellow dots on the back of plant leaves during the summer months? Those tiny pear-shaped specks are aphids. Aphids are a common insect pest in the home landscape and for houseplants. There are many species of aphids in Illinois and they feed on a large...
