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Facts about Ancient Golden Crown Like in Queen Seon Deok Drama, Most in the World - Meaning in Each Ornament

Facts about Ancient Golden Crown Like in Queen Seon Deok Drama, Most in the World - Meaning in Each Ornament Ancient Golden Crown of the Silla Kingdom © Special - Who has watched the Korean drama Queen Seon Deok? Still remember how the queen wore the crown? If you remember its shape, turns out the crown has interesting facts.

Drama Queen Seon Deok tells the story of the Silla Kingdom. Likewise, the crown used by the queen has a history from the Silla Kingdom. Queen Seon Deok is the first queen in Silla. Meanwhile, the crown itself has become the most ancient golden crown in the world.

Drama Korea Queen Seon Deok © MBC

1. The Most Ancient Gold Crown in the World

Did you know? Among the 13 ancient gold crowns found worldwide, seven originated from the ancient Korean Kingdom of Silla (57 BC-935 AD). This is also the reason why Silla is known as the gold crown kingdom. Silla was considered at the forefront of gold crown production in ancient times. No joke, these gold crowns were made of pure gold!

Initially, a crown was discovered during excavations in the Cheonmachong tumulus (a mound of earth and stones built over a grave) in 1973. According to KBS World, the Cheonmachong Tomb, built from the late 5th century to the early 6th century, is the only tomb with an open inner chamber among the tombs in the Daereungwon Complex. The tomb was nicknamed Cheonmachong because of the discovery of excavated artifacts depicting a 'flying horse in the sky'. The gold crown found in this tomb represents the Silla gold culture because of its luxurious and large appearance compared to other Silla gold crowns found to date.

Painting of a flying horse (cheonmado) © Cultural Heritage Administration via KBS World

As quoted from, other items such as bracelets and other jewelry were also found at that time. When it was discovered, the 32.5 cm tall gold crown was worn on the head of the body buried in the tomb.

2. Deer Horn and Tree Branch Ornaments, What Do They Mean?

The golden crown is highly significant to the people of the Silla Kingdom. As quoted from, the Silla crown is adorned with ornaments resembling deer horns and tree branches. Why deer and tree branches?

So, at that time, deer was considered a sacred animal. Ancient Silla people saw deer as a common subject in art and as a messenger from heaven. Tree branches, on the other hand, were seen as a symbol of eternal life as they always nourish themselves and also serve as a path to heaven. Meanwhile, gold itself signifies eternity.

3. Components of the Ancient Golden Crown

The Ancient Golden Crown of the Silla Kingdom consists of three parts resembling tree branches, with two prominent horn ornaments made of thick gold ribbons around the head. The curved jade and gold covering the ornaments provide a luxurious look to the crown. The design with curved jade is often worn by Silla people riding horses, who also worship trees.

There are also hundreds of round ornaments linked with gold wire. Additionally, there are jade decorations for hanging these round ornaments. What's even more unique is that these decorations are carved like embryos, symbolizing fertility, abundance, and eternal life.

4. Becoming Cultural Heritage

The exact date of the creation of the crown is unknown, but it is estimated to have been made between the late 400s and early 500s. This can be seen from other relics found in the tomb. However, it cannot be confirmed which Silla king owned the crown.

Considering that the crown was found in the tombs of kings, many speculate that the crown symbolizes the determination of the Silla king to protect the people even after death. The Silla Kingdom prospered for 1000 years. It is rare to find a dynasty that thrived for this long, as the average lifespan of a dynasty is only around 150 years.

The gold crown of Silla represents the legacy of the kingdom that lasted for thousands of years. That is why the ancient gold crown of the Silla kingdom is listed as National Treasure No. 188.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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