STMJ/Milk Egg Honey Ginger drink

Serves 1

Long hard days, very tired, still have plenty to do? This drink will surely boost your energy. Another of my Dwilingga’s faves beside the INTERNET, this is STMJ, it stands for Susu/milk, Telor/egg, Madu/honey, Jahe/ginger. What it does is it relax your tension, boost your energy, enhance your imune and get rid of wind from you stomach. After my baby was born, I hardly sleep so, this drink becomes my all best friend.

1/4 cut sweetenend condensed milk
1 egg yolk
1 tbs honey
1 cm ginger
1 cup hot boiling water

How to prepare:
-in a bowl whisk the egg yolk and honey until it becomes white and fluffy
-add the sweetened condensed milk and mix
-grate ginger and add in the mixture
-pour hot water and mix together
-filter and serve

Don’t heat it up with microwave because it will become egg custard, place hot water in a bowl half full and put the cup inside to warm up.

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