Dr Adib performs the abdominoplasty procedure (tummy tuck) on previous bariatric patients who have lost weight and need their excess skin removed.

In people who have lost a large amount of weight, skin laxity does not always shrink back to shape. The elasticity of your skin before and during the weight loss process determines how much ​if any, loose skin you will have. Younger skin that is more elastic is able to snap back more effectively to its original shape. Older skin is less elastic and may not shrink back as well. Excess skin folds can cause chafing which leads to skin infections and can be painful.  You might also want to have the procedure performed simply to improve the appearance of your body after weight loss.

Some of the many benefits of abdominoplasty surgery include:

• Remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen
• Strengthen underlying abdominal muscles
• Improve contours of the torso
• Restore a smooth flat tummy
• Ability to fit into normal clothes
• Reduce irritation, chafing, and infections in lower abdominal fold
• Improve exercise tolerance and assist with weight loss activities

Am I suitable for an abdominoplasty?

The best candidates for a tummy tuck are those close to their ideal weight, in good health, non-smokers, and whose abdomen causes health problems, interfere with routine activities, and makes them feel self-conscious. You must have had your bariatric surgery with Dr Adib no less than 12 – 18 months previously.

What is the waiting time for this procedure?

There is currently no wait time for the abdominoplasty surgery for patients who are wanting their procedure done as soon as possible. You must have had your bariatric surgery with Dr Adib no less than 12 – 18 months previously and are close to, or at your desired weight. You will need to book another consultation with Dr Adib with a valid referral. Patients who are going through superannuation can generally book as soon as  6 weeks.

Hospital Stay

The abdominoplasty surgery is a three-night stay at the Wesley Hospital.

Recovery time associated with the Abdominoplasty

The estimated recovery time for abdominoplasty surgery is usually up to 6 weeks, however, each patient is different. You will need to wear a compression garment for at least 6 weeks, 24/7; only removing it to shower. The garment is designed to help with healing and compress the area which has been newly rebuilt. You will not be able to drive for at least 2 – 4 weeks. Most people take between 2 – 4 weeks off work to rest. Further recovery can be discussed with Dr Adib at the time of your consultation.

Where is the Abdominoplasty performed?

Dr Reza Adib performs abdominoplasty surgery in Brisbane at the Wesley Hospital. This procedure entails a minimum of two – three-night stay at the hospital.

Do I need to see a Dietitian?

You will not be required to see our dietitian regarding abdominoplasty surgery, however, you should still be seeing a regular dietitian to maintain your dietary habits and check your nutritional requirements after your weight loss surgery.

Am I required to see a Psychologist prior to having this procedure?

Patients do not require to see any specialists prior to this procedure unless deemed necessary by the surgeon.

For more questions please check out our FAQs page here.

Both insured and uninsured patients can access their superannuation to cover all out of pocket expenses: Click here

For all other procedural prices, please refer to the links below.

Enquire here about having your abdominoplasty.