Cushion Retainer

About this product

The Toyota Cushion Retainer (#90948-02159) is a critical part of the Drive-Chassis Front Spring & Shock Absorber system and the Drive-Chassis Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system. It primarily serves to help secure the cushioning elements, ensuring a smooth & comfortable ride. This retainer works by keeping the cushion in place, eliminating any unwanted movement or shifting. Like any other component, the Cushion Retainer (#90948-02159) may wear out over time, necessitating replacement. When a Cushion Retainer (#90948-02159) becomes old or breaks, it can result in the cushion becoming loose or unsecured. This can produce a rough, uncomfortable ride, and potentially lead to more serious mechanical issues. Installing a genuine Toyota Cushion Retainer (#90948-02159) can improve vehicle compatibility and comes backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Cushion Retainer (#90948-02159) is vital for maintaining driving comfort and protecting against mechanical wear, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48510-39435;48510-39425;48510-09101;90948-T2003
Part Number 90948-02159

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