Making choices and taking risks

Dewisiadau a chymryd risgiau

Goldfish jumping from a bowl of dirty water to a bowl of clean water

Providing real choice and control for individuals accessing health and social care means enabling individuals to take the risks they choose. Everyone has the right to take risks and make choices but if an individual has a more limited understanding of the risks involved in an activity they wish to participate in, they must be supported to make informed decisions.

When we look at risks, we should do so in relation to individuals' strengths, abilities and support networks. Everyone should have the right to make choices about their lives, so it is important to work out whether a risk is significant, and whether it is likely to happen.

Health and social care settings must be able to demonstrate that a risk-assessing process, a process of thinking things through properly, involving the individuals and others who know them, has taken place. This may or may not result in a formal written risk assessment.

Mae rhoi dewis a rheolaeth go iawn i unigolion sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn golygu galluogi unigolion i gymryd y risgiau a ddewisir ganddynt. Mae gan bawb hawl i gymryd risgiau a gwneud dewisiadau, ond os oes gan unigolion ddealltwriaeth fwy cyfyngedig o'r risgiau sy'n gysylltiedig â gweithgaredd y maent am gymryd rhan ynddo, rhaid eu helpu i wneud penderfyniadau ar sail gwybodaeth.

Pan fyddwn yn ystyried risgiau, dylem wneud hynny mewn perthynas â chryfderau, galluoedd a rhwydweithiau cymorth unigolion. Dylai fod gan bawb hawl i wneud dewisiadau ynglŷn â'u bywydau, felly mae'n bwysig canfod p'un a yw risg yn sylweddol, a ph'un a yw'n debygol o ddigwydd.

Rhaid i leoliadau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol allu dangos bod proses asesu risg, sef proses o bwyso a mesur pethau'n ofalus, gan gynnwys yr unigolion a phobl eraill sy'n eu hadnabod, wedi digwydd. Mae'n bosibl y gall hyn arwain at lunio asesiad risg ysgrifenedig ffurfiol.